How I Keep My House Clean
Having trouble keeping your house clean and organized? Try the clean one thing a day method
Cleaning has to be done all the time, wipe things down, dust, vacuum, etc . . . what I’m talking about today is keeping things organized, clutter free and tidy. You know that junk drawer, don’t let it get so bad. The bathroom medicine cabinet, I bet you don’t need half the things in there.
This solution is easy, it will take a little time for you to start to feel the difference, but it will get better slowly and daily.
This is what I do. I clean out something every day. Yes, it can be just one shelf of the medicine cabinet in just one bathroom, or if you have time do the whole caninet.
Clean One Room at a Time
Clean out one drawer, one shelf, one basket, one space every day and two things will happen. One, you’ll start to notice that it’s working and your house and space is feeling better. Two, you will have a sense of accomplishment every day.
I used to take on these huge tasks like I am going to reorganize my entire closet and go threw all my clothes today. Can you guess what would happen? I would get half way through it, be over whelmed, not take the time it needed and end up not feeling satisfied with the result.
Now, with one thing a day, I feel better about the thing I cleaned and do a good job on it. Sometimes I am even inspired to do a little more, but not usually and that’s ok (for me).
I’ve learned that it helps to pick an area or room and stick to making that my focus until it’s done. For example, if I only tackle one shelf in the medicine cabinet, I will be do the other shelves the next few days and then continue with that bathroom.
The best part is if you are short on time you can pick something easy, clean it out, organize it, be done in 5-10 minutes. You will feel a sense of accomplishment and know that tomorrow you will do a little more.
Here are a few more things I do to keep it simple.
Keep a basket or bag for donations and put anything in there that someone else might be able to use. Throw the rest away immediately. More on both of those in this post about why I don’t go through my donation basket before giving it away.
Hope this helps and happy cleaning!
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